Bleeding Varicose Vein in Legs

Do you suffer from bleeding Varicose Veins in your Legs?


Bleeding Varicose Vein in Legs


For some people, varicose veins are little more than a cosmetic issue. For others, varicose veins cause a variety of troubling and often uncomfortable symptoms. Please contact us today by calling Alaska Vein Care at 907-334-3347 to discuss your symptoms. We’re here to help!


What Is a Bleeding Varicose Vein in the Legs?


When varicose veins near the skin’s surface become weakened, the pressure caused by pooling blood can cause the vein to rupture. These ruptures can occur suddenly, causing blood to seep into surrounding tissue beneath the skin. If the skin over your varicose vein has thinned, which is common, you may bleed through your skin (Think of what happens when afluid-filled blister breaks open.). Sometimes there’s just a small amount of blood; other times the bleeding can be significant, even life-threatening.


What Causes Varicose Veins in the Legs To Bleed?


Bleeding in the legs may be caused venous insufficiency, a condition in which the veins are unable to pump the blood back to the heart properly because of weakened or damaged valves. This leads to a buildup of pressure and eventual rupture of the affected vein or veins.


How Is Bleeding in the Legs Treated?


Endovenous Laser Treatment is the most effective method of treating bleeding in the legs when the bleeding is caused by leg ulcers. A laser fiber is guided through the damaged vein by way of a small incision. The heat emitted from the laser will cause the vein to seal shut. The procedure usually takes under an hour to perform.


To learn more about our services, click on the following link

To learn more about our Vein Specialists, click on the following Link

Call us at (907) 334-3347 to schedule a free 10-minute complementary consultation


Call Today For A Vein Consultation!

Most patients will require two or three treatments to get satisfactory results. Unlike hypertonic saline (which most modern vein specialists do NOT use), today's sclerosants do not cause severe pain or stinging, and have a very low incidence of side effects. Insurance companies generally do not cover the cost of spider vein treatment, so be sure to discuss payment options with Alaska Vein Care's billing staff. 

Call today!

Anchorage | (907) 334-3347

Fairbanks | (907) 334-3347

Juneau | (907) 523-2737

Kenai | (907) 335-2490

Wasilla | (907) 357-2005

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