Post-Op Instructions

How To Care For Your Legs After Varicose Vein Treatment

Following Proper Post-Op Instructions After Vein Treatment Can Be One of The Most Important Things You Do For Your Legs

Our doctors have created this helpful list of do's and don'ts for the first couple of weeks after your procedure.

Use this as a general guide, but reach out to your specialist if questions or concerns arise.

Important Tips For Your Post-Op Leg Care:

  • Take 800mg (4x200mg tablets) ibuprofen three times a day for two weeks.
  • If your stomach starts aching on ibuprofen, or you cannot take ibuprofen, feel free to take 1000mg (2x500mg tablets) Tylenol three times a day instead.
  • Walk at least 5 minutes every 30 minutes. Keep leg elevated when not walking.
  • No bathing (tub, hot tub, pool) for two days.
  • Remove bandages after two days and shower. There can be some minor bleeding when you remove the bandages. Hold pressure with gauze and elevate your leg.
  • Wear compression stockings as much as possible for two weeks after removing bandages (you can remove them for showering and sleeping).
  • Avoid vigorous exercise for two weeks.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure to the area for at least one month
  • There will be soreness, bruising, and redness along where you were treated. These should all start to go down after two weeks.

Your Recovery Is Our Top Priority

"I have no more restless legs syndrome at night, now I sleep better."

Watching people get their lives back is the best part of what we do.

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